About Us

Goring Gardening Society is a friendly group of gardening enthusiasts.

We meet on the first Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in St. Mary’s Church Hall, Sea Lane, Goring except in January when we have an afternoon meeting at the Barn in Goring Way at 2pm.

We have talks on various subjects including Life as a Head Gardener, the South Downs Film Makers, the History of Borde Hill and Gardens and Lordington Lavender.

We hold three shows a year, in March, July and September. Members pay 20p to enter a class which could be flowers, vegetables, cookery or hobbies.

Our coach outings each year are very popular. In 2022 we visited Exbury Gardens, Polsden Lacey and Wisley. During 2023 we visited Chartwell, Hyde Hall and Sheffield Park.

The Society also invites one of the members to open their garden for an evening during the summer.

Finally, there is the end of year social which is a light hearted quiz evening with plenty of good food.

Visitors or new members are always welcome.

History of the Society

Goring Gardening Society started life as Goring Village Produce Association in 1942 to aid the war effort by pooling knowledge and sharing crops, seeds and fertilisers in order to prevent food shortage.

Colonel Stern of Highdown Towers was invited to be the first president and a committee was formed.

Later in the year, the Association held its first show in the grounds of Goring Hall. It was reported that over 700 people attended and 480 specimens were exhibited.

After such a success, the Association invited speakers to address the members on various subjects including keeping poultry and fruit growing. A show was held every year on the Goring Hall Estate until 1956 when it was moved to St Mary’s Church Hall.

In 1956 we became affiliated to the RHS. The Association changed its name in 1960 to Goring Horticultural Society later changing again to our current name.

Over time the Society has grown and taken part in many competitions.

We have been represented twice at the Chelsea Flower Show, in 1996 and 1997, winning a silver-gilt medal on both occasions.

We won the first Worthing Seafront Planting Competition in 2014, using the prize money to buy a window on the pier (ours is the one with the large wellington boots!). We were runners-up in 2018.